4 Tips For Finding Blog Topics To Write About

Mandi Relyea-Voss
3 min readFeb 18, 2021


Finding blog topics might actually be the most difficult step of planning your blog posts. It can take a lot of valuable time, and you have to ensure you are staying true to your brand voice and keeping your messaging consistent.

However, blogging is essential for your business, and it’s important to do it regularly to build a relationship with your readers and establish yourself as an authority. That’s why planning is essential for having a successful strategy.

Although it may be a lot of effort at first, it will save you lots of time in the long run.

Here are 4 tips that will help you find blog topics to write about:

Keyword Search

Search keywords within your industry and identify the most popular and relevant content. By seeking what people are talking about in your field, you’ll have a glimpse of what’s relevant and what topics people are looking to learn more about.

“Keyword research is a great way to come up with new ideas and opportunities for content, but SEO should not drive your entire content strategy. It should factor in, but not fully control, the topics and message of your content.” — Cara Hogan

Competitor Analysis

Take a look at what your competitors have been doing and build a list of topics they’ve previously covered on blog posts. This will allow you to understand content gaps and it’s an opportunity to stand out by delivering better content. Even if someone has written about a certain topic, there are always valuable insights you can offer to your audience by adding your own point of view.

“If it’s done well on someone else’s site, chances are it will do well on your site as well as long you are in the same industry” — Neil Patel

Listen To Your Audience’s Questions

Listen to what your audience is saying and identify topics commonly mentioned over time. If they have frequently asked questions, the answers to those questions can become a great blog topic to write about. Besides you being able to offer the right answer, it will also help you build trust. You can do this by tracking down questions your audience sends you or by asking them on social media.

“If we don’t listen to what our audience wants, we won’t be able to connect with them. We won’t be able to help or influence them.” — Sprout Social

Run A Content Audit

Audit your own content and understand what posts you’ve shared that performed well. Use the same topic to write more detailed information on a certain subject or maybe recycle it by transforming it into an infographic. It’s a great opportunity for more people to see the amazing content you’ve created before when you update stale information that’s still relevant to your audience.

“Take a look at Google Analytics for your blog to find your best-performing content. Identify which posts have generated the most traffic and then think about how to use that information to create new posts.” — Social Media Examiner

Coming up with topics beforehand helps you stay focused and it improves productivity. Create a document where you can write down all your topic ideas and narrow down your list into the most compelling subjects.

It’s also important to ensure the topics you’re covering are interesting to your audience and are timely. You wouldn’t talk about goal setting in the middle of the year. Planning your content will help ensure each piece has a purpose and it helps you achieve your marketing goals.

